Meet Jennifer
What is your running background?
Howdy! I am the ripe old age of 30 and I don't think I have ever run more than 5 miles at a time before. I've played plenty of sports that required some kind of stop/go/sprint running for up to two hours before. But no running background. And I'm not even built for it. I'm stocky, not lanky like a runner. I did participate in summer track, cross country, and even lettered in track in HS, but I quickly found out that this is just not a sport that I am very gifted at. My best accomplishment was 6th place in the City Championship in the 300 hurdles. And probably because...well, seriously, who runs the 300 hurdles?
What do you think is your biggest obstacle?
My knee holding up to increased work. I have had two right knee surgeries for a torn meniscus. I have had about 80% of the cartilege in my knee removed and as a result, I have pain and swelling when I workout. Last year when I was training for the triathlon I was able to basically 'work through it' and it became less and less painful. But running is so hard on your body. I wonder if the increased miles will be more than I can take. I went to my Ortho to get checked out ahead of time. After xrays and some exams, he said it looks like there ate some bone spurs which are causing me pain but otherwise I am ok to move forward. So that was good news.
Why would you like to accomplish this?
I'm not getting any younger. This is one of those 'I'd like to do this in my lifetime' events and I figure if anyone is willing to go through the nonsense with me...then now is the time.
What is your out of the blue, initial goal time?
If Oprah can do 4 hours, I would really like to come in under 4 hours. Um, I should probably check out how fast that is first. Oh well!
Some random times:
Age 15, 400 yards - 1:09
Age 17, 1 mile - 7:00
Age 29, Sprint Triathlon 1:43
Age 30, 5k - 33:00
I can use all the encouragement I can get people! Comment here!
You are so cool! Thank-you for doing this. This is the stuff I'm talking about.. So there was this article by some lady who wrote some book about Marathoning (if you would like specifics I'll find them later) anyway, she says that one of the best ways to complete a marathon is to get support. WELL HERE IT IS! at
Friends and family I hope that you will be a part of this journey. Think and pray for us, and especially write something often to keep us going.
I'd like to be able to finish up in a few hours. That would give Devan enough time to catch a show and eat lunch, then get back in time to Hold up all the " YOU GO GIRL" signs.
Hopefully I'll be able to at least jog the whole thing.. that's my real goal.
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