Monday, June 2, 2008

New Kicks for Kicking Some Speed

After a totally fun group run this weekend hmmm, did we just venture back to the 80's with that totally? I figured out I should probably get some new shoes. (Sidebar: Thanks for the fun run guys! It was nice to run with peeps and thanks for keeping up with my lightning fast pace. I know it was hard and you wanted to drop back, but I know pushing yourselves like that will pay off. Um, why are you laughing?)

Nadene and I ventured to the new luke's in plano (west side! throws gang sign). I tried on a few pairs and did the obligatory run. And on the 5th pair I found them...the Addidas Supernova Cushion 7. Love em! Can't wait to get out and test them a little. It might even persuade me to do a little jog tonite. I was supposed to look for watches but I guess that will have to wait. Especially since my blistering pace really doesn't need a pace watch to tell me 'slower than the turtle'.
N-dawg (that's slang for Nadene in case you aren't in the know) picked up some oh-so-short-are-you-sure-they-are-shorts running shorts. (Totally razzin you of course they are fine.) The super slim sales girl was explaining how these shorts fit her and I about cracked up when Nadene asked her 'You're what, like an extra small?'.
Also I picked up the CUTE-est headband. My bangs are just long enough to cause me problems and just short enough that I can't keep them back. I'm so loving this new nike headband. I will see if I can find a picture of it.
Happy running!


The Mighty Minyard's June 2, 2008 at 11:16 PM  

I'm laughing all by myself. U R the greatest.

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