Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The last month I have done no running at all. I have been doing elliptical (in place of running), biking and swimming. I've also been doing core and leg strength exercises (as part of my PT) 6 days a week and two days of physical therapy with my PT a week. I do feel stronger and more stable in the joint, but I also do not feel 'whole' yet. I had really hoped that a month off running would make me feel...healed I guess. I'm both anxious and nervous to get back to running. Anxious because I had started to like it and really want to get out and start putting some miles on and nervous because I'm afraid of further injury. I just don't know how soon is too soon. Doc said I could try back this weekend, but need to do so on a treadmill or track rather than concrete as long as there is no pain. I've had no issues in my cross-training so I'm hoping at least that is a good sign. I don't think there is anything like running though so I know even though I'm working out I will be feeling like running is hard!

Hope your training is going well! Update us!


The Mighty Minyard's August 19, 2008 at 8:28 PM  

I'm interested in how that first run will feel.. . do tell...

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