MM Wimps Out in the Rain
MM (and guest runner DD) planned to run 6 miles with MB this a.m., but she (and DD) let a little rain "dampen" her enthusiasm and she went back to bed! MB, not afraid of a little sprinkle, did the planned 6 mile tempo run with nary a problem with the barely-niticeable light mist that had chased MM back to bed; although the flooding lake over the footbridge at the Valley Creek trail did force MB to run .95 mile out-and-back loops instead of the usual 1.025 mile laps arund the lake.
MM is going to have to toughen up or she will be left in the dust (or misting rain) come the Tyler Half in October.
Wow, you sure are somethin' MB. And your mist at the more southern part of town was a full downpour here at the more eastern part. Sure lightning and thundering may not scare a more than weathered runner like yourself, but me hey, I guess I like to keep my youthful complexion about me.. either way, hope you had a good run. Contention is of the Devil anyway.
We have had SO much rain lately. It makes both swimming and biking more difficult since 1) my gym tends to shut down the indoor pool in heavy rain and any lightning. And I don't bike in the rain because it's just too dangerous and bad for the bike. Blech.
Good for you for keeping to the schedule - watch out for flash floods!
Et tu, MM? "[M]ore than weathered"? When you pinch me, do I not bruise? When you prick me do I not bleed? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words crush and deplete me. And this from my favorite MM. Sigh.
Ha ha, I love the et tu reference. Made me outright laugh. You told her to toughen I guess she did. ;)
Hey anyone want to come help me work on casa de sabin during week of Sept 1st? MB, want to help me lay soem vinyl flooring in the bath? I'll come help you paint or something...;)
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