Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Geezer Survives "Speed" Workout

Today I did a "speed" workout that involved 2 harder runs of 1.05 miles each, and lots of slower jogging that totaled 4.85 miles on my feet over 55 minutes. Considering that I started slow-jogging less than 1 mile a day abit over 1 month ago, I am glad to see my slow, but steady, progress.

I began with a warmup jog of 1.15 miles in 13:31 (11:45/mile pace), "ran" 1.05 miles in 10:05 (9:36/mile), jogged .50 miles in 5:56 (11:52/mile), ran 1.05 miles in 9:35 (9:08/mile), jogged .50 miles in 5:42 (11:24/mile), and finished with a .60 mile cooldown walk in 10:11 (16:58/mile), for a total of 4.85 miles in 55 minutes (11:21/mile).

I still have to mentally adjust to how short and slow my mileage is compared to 20 years ago when I could do 26.2 miles at 6:30/mile pace and 1 mile speed workouts in 5:30/mile pace, but then I remember that I am 54 and out of shape. My goal is to finish a 1/2 marathon in October and I am on schedule to do so. Other 50-year-olds may run faster, but I will sweat more than all of them.

So, yea for the doughy geezer!


The Sabins July 8, 2008 at 10:46 AM  

yay! great job on the run! My tempo run is tomorrow for 5 mi and I hope I can endure it well like you did.

I also remember when I could run much faster -even in junior high when I first began running it was 1:09 quarter miles which now consist of closer to 3 or 4 minute laps. But I figure there is no sense dwelling on the past or what I could have done when I was yonger now that I am on the physical downhill of age. There is only the fact that a month ago I could not have finished 5 miles. We are accomplishing new goals every day so yay for us!

The Sabins July 8, 2008 at 10:50 AM  

Oh and MB I'll bring your camera on Sat (um, that is once I call madre and ask - which is funny since I'm sure she reads this and could just comment here - and ok that we can all drop the kids for a playdate.) Then we can take training pics!

The Mighty Minyard's July 8, 2008 at 4:11 PM  

Hey wow.. that's a long time to be on your feet. I still have a ways to go before I hit the hour "mile"-stone..


The Sabins July 9, 2008 at 9:20 PM  

Did my tempo run at 12:14 pace tonite; hard to keep going 5 mi on that treadmill for over an hour...blech. As soon as that dial hit 5 point zero zero I just stopped. I was reallllly glad for it to be over.

I'm hoping I have enough left for Saturday peeps!

MB - my cell phone and home phone are not working so can you tell mom that I got marcy for saturday morning? we're coming to mesquite fri night and doing a bday dinner so I'll already be there anyway.

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