No running
Wow we need to get some posting going on here peeps!
Here's my update for the week. Monday night I went back to trying to run. I had no knee pain and did no running for the entire week before. The first .5 miles were fine and then BAM - sudden knee pain - the same pain from the week before in the same place. I only made it a few more minutes (I was trying to see if it would go away) and then decided to stop. I moved over to elliptical for 30 more minutes and felt defeated. So I've decided to see my ortho again and probably ask for an MRI to see if there is a structural injury (tendons or meniscus again, etc.). I want the expert opinion on how much running and when I should consider. I'll probably also get into a rehab clinic. So no more running until things are figured out. The soonest I could get in was next Wednesday morning.Tuesday I went biking. Love it. Although it was HOT. Did 12.2 miles in 51 minutes. My saddle is killing me. My friend got a new saddle that she loves so we went to the store and picked one up on sale; I can't wait to try that out on Thursday. I also have a new cadence monitor which rules. It's the cateye cadence and it helps so much. I'm a techie and I wish I could afford all the very cool gadgets and disc wheels out there. Luckily, this was very reasonable. The nice RBM lady picked it out for me and didn't make me feel like a total non-cycling idiot like some of the hard-core reps at the Richardson location. Plan to swim tonite and it's a ride on Thursday.
Have a great week everyone-
This week has been a bad bad week. Bad Bad, Cousin on DH's mom side passed away.. terrible... Granny on DH side under hospice care...maybe another week for her... have Unemployed DH and .. I'm working for a Temp agency with imminent DOOM for the future!! Besides all the patients hate to see me. So running... Where o where have you gone??..
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