Saturday was my long run of the week. Met MB at the house to do 6 miles. We did 6 miles around the pond and it wasn't too bad. Time was 1:18 I think. I rather enjoyed it. I was a little slower than I had wanted to do but other wise the run itself was fine. Took 1 gu just for practice, didn't really need the calories. 1 water bottle.
The only issue was around 4.5 miles my right knee started to hurt. I spent the last mile and a half trying to decide how much it hurt. It wasn't really acute pain. It started small and gradually increased. No snapping or popping. But I really wanted to finish what was on my schedule. So I kept running. When I finished and stopped I realized it really hurt and it kept up over the weekend. It only hurts when I walk/put pressure on it though so I'm sure it's some kind of stretched ligament or swelling issue. (If you didn't know, I've had 80% of the cartilege in my knee removed so running causes scar tissue and swelling from lack of cushioning. Think bone on bone.) It doesn't hurt when sitting or not in use so I don't think it's any kind of tear or other injury issue . So I'll be taking some time off. I'm not sure how much. But at least today. I've been doing ice and ibuprofen therapy. Hope your weekends went much better than mine!
TS, you should not be surprised that your knee is giving you trouble. As you told me Saturday, you have never run 6 miles before, so some extra soreness is expected. Add to that your lack of protective cartillage and the (in my opinion) too-quick week-to-week mileage increases you are making (while also swimming and biking), and it is more surprising that you have not felt pain earier. Listen to your body and give your knee sufficient rest. If you feel that you need a workout, do some extra swimming or biking -- and let your knee heal. When you do run again, reduce the miles.
We already know that you have sufficient running buildup to handle the 3 mile run at the end of your September triathlon, so back off before you end up really hurting yourself by reaching for a 1/2 marathon that your body may not be ready for. More importantly, do not risk future hobbling about, arthritis, etc. just to say you ran a 1/2 marathon.
I'm going to play it by ear. I'm not going to assume the cause is strictly miles at this point. I'll probably try some jogging this week as a simple test to see where I'm at since I've been feeling good. I'm suspecting the wrong angle in my shoes we were discussing last week. I know you're never supposed to go into a long run using untested equipment so that was a mistake.
Either way, the course in Tyler is open long enough that I would be able to walk it. Since I'm already paid, I'll be there.
So, do you want to run together this Saturday and, if so, how far, where, and at what time?
Tis possible - but honestly I won't know for sure until later this week. I'd like to say yes for Saturday, don't know where, and I'm hoping somewhere between 4 and 6 miles depending on how I feel.
I'll clue ya in on how I'm feeling Thur or Fri...
OK. My schedule calls for 6 miles again, so 4-6 together would be fine. I am willing to come to your place IF we can start the run as early as possible to avoid as much as possible the radiant heat the sun brings. I assume that Jeff -- because of his mangled ankle -- can watch your kids, correct?
Ok group, I'm taking the week off from running. I figure better now than later. I jogged a little last night, felt some twingey-ness and decided against it.
I'll repeat last week next week if I'm feeling ok.
So I'll be biking and swimming and maybe even elliptical but no running.
Smart move.
MB how was your speed workout? Did you go to the pond or use a track?
I used the pond. My "speed" workout was for mile repeats, so I ran three 1.05 mileloops around the pond, with 1/2 mile jogs in-between.
Jen, Holy MOLY!! R u ok now? Has the "rest" helped?
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