Friday, August 8, 2008

McMillan Calculator

This is VERY cool. You have to go check out the McMillan Calculator.

Sometimes it's easy to get out and just 'run'. We train based on how we feel today or what pace we are used to. But this is not always the best way to train to improve (or so the 'experts' say). Heart rate monitors and other tools can be very valuable in making sure we have overall improvement. Here's another tool! This calculator tells you what predictable pace you can expect in a race and even what pace you should be training at. Endorsed and used by Run On, this is right on with the pacing recommended by Runners World.

Try it out and see if you need to speed up - or slow down - those runs to make better overall improvements! Happy running.


MarathonBob August 9, 2008 at 6:35 PM  


The Sabins August 11, 2008 at 2:34 PM  

What is kittos?

MarathonBob August 11, 2008 at 2:41 PM  

Thankyou in Finnish, pronounced "Key Toes." And I mispelled the word, which is spelled kiitos.

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