Monday, June 30, 2008

Had a nice run today.
.. 10 m pace.. humpff..
it's ok, it was hot (12:30 in the afternoon), and I took an unexpected detour to look at a house, then had to step off the road and stand still (or outrun and eighteen wheeler, or dive into a drainage ditch).. I feel pretty pooped, but hey, I got my run in.
Maybe next time I'll just borrow your treadmill MB.
I think in the future I'll pay more attention to time of day.. it really took it out of me today.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Update...with Kevin Nealon

Well I guess you gotta be kinda old to get the title reference but at least I'm giggling.

Saturday morning I dragged myself and the kiddos to the gym to run since DH was at weekly bball. I wore yet a third pair of running shoes I have. These are new balance (shout out) and a little too wide for me but I thought I'd give it a try. I remembered to start drinking my h20 as soon as I woke up and brought along a bottle and my trusty ipod. The plan called for 4 miles. And the whole way to the gym I was thinking 'well maybe I can just do 3, or 3.5 if I feel good.' As soon as I got on the treadmill though I knew I was doing four miles, even if it meant I walked the whole thing. Because I'm a list maker and I can't check things off if I don't complete them!

I warmed up longer at first since I was hoping this would make my calves less sore. I counted the warm up towards my mileage. Mile 1 - 15 minutes. That's when I figured out this was going to take me forever. Mile 2 - 13:07. So now we are 28 minutes into my workout and my right foot went numb. Which is a good sign since it usually falls asleep by 20 minutes. At least that's some progress. Took a walk break and played with adjusting the shoes. Decided to try to keep running and just see what happened. I spent about all of mile 3 with a numb foot but kept the pace up. Mile 3 - 12:10. Relaced the shoe up top and finished mile 4 - 12:57 - feeling great. I can't believe how different I felt from Wednesday when I felt so terrible. The entire run was great, kept my pace in check and wasn't sore at all this weekend. Total 53 minute run. At that rate it is going to take me almost 3 hours to finish. I better make a longer playlist.

Busy week coming up so I'm really going to have to plan if I have any hope of getting my running in.

Hope everyone else had a great long run!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cookie, Icecream, chocolate pudding

Yes, I've heard of glutony. But this is a celebration. I ran three miles at 9minutes!! Dude, I felt like I was blazin'! So what does this mean?! Could I get it down to like 8 ok ok... probably if I could maintain 9 for 13.1 I'd be in hog heaven.. but then I ask myself how good CAN I BE? I mean if I hit, 8 min. I'll probably eat everything in the FRIDGE!!!

And so it continues

This is a little boring but I guess I'm at least trying to keep up with what's going on.

Tonight I did my run in my old shoes. They're a little worn but decent and I haven't had any problems in the 150 miles I put on them last year. And you can guess what I'm going to right foot started to go numb! I can't believe it. I felt so defeated. So now I don't think it's the shoes. I'm running funny or there's a nerve getting pinched in my foot or I found a couple other reasons. The most common cure though is orthotics so I'm going to try new inserts.

Interestingly, one cause is tight calves cutting off blood flow. And I cannot tell you how sore and tight my calves are during the first part of my runs. I've never had this issue before but lately it's been very bad. So I've decided to try some foot 'exercises', a longer warm-up period each run and inserts and see where that gets me.

It looks like Saturday's run is going to be very loooooonggg.

Roll Call

How's the week going crew? Here's your roll call. Post/comment and let me know how your training is this week.

I didn't run on Tuesday like I had originally planned. As a result I have to run both Wednesday and Thursday. bummer. So even though I got out of work late last night I went running. And I couldn't find my gym card so I decided that rather than bore myself to tears on my treadmill at home (and fight to keep the kids off it), I would run outside. Since it was later in the evening it wasn't too bad. Until the end when the clouds mostly parted and the wind died. HOT. And I felt terrible. You would think I hadn't been running in a month. It. was. really. hard. Help me out Kanye! That, that, that that don't kill me, can only make me stronger, I need you to hurry up now, cause I can't wait much longer... I had to walk about 30 seconds twice. But I told myself keep going, at least a minimal jog but no walking. I wasn't worried about overdoing things because I think for me this training is really a mental battle. The body can handle and recover from quite a lot. So I'm proud of my 2 miles because mentally, it was one of my tougher runs and I accomplished it.

Thank you ipod.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Group Run 6/21

Had a group run on Sat, 6/21. And my right foot keeps falling asleep. Not tingly. We're talking full-fledged extremity numbness. So now I have to figure out how I can adjust the shoe/insert/sock/lacing so that this does not happen. And I hope I don't need new shoes because I don't want to spend the money right now. But my knee doesn't hurt. So at least that's a plus for me.

On Saturday I also came to the realization that we really need to split into pace groups. In the time it takes me to run 3 miles, MM could have run 4. So, while I do enjoy starting together, I think it might be a good idea to split up into pace groups so everyone gets in the training they need. The actual run is going to be split anyway so we might as well practice!

It looks like we might add another runner to our group! If so, our blog name was kind of short-sighted...;)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quick Thought on Why I Run

Two of the reasons that I enjoy jogging/running are (1) when I run alone I can enjoy the clearest of perspective and thinking on myself and the world about me and (2) when I run with others, especially family, we share a common bond in our effort that non-runners do not comprehend.

First, when I run alone, while my body is meandering through a run, however easy or hard, long or short, my mind can go wherever it wants without the interruptions of a noisy world. Sometimes my brain can meander through unstructured chunks of thought before hitting upon something of real value to my day or life. On other occasions, I just enjoy observing the things around me and pondering how cool this world is. In fact, I have gone away from wearing earphones and listening to music, news, etc. while running, because those things already intrude upon my life the other 23 hours of my day and I want my runs to be something different, and better.

In addition, although 99.99% of us are not the fastest in the world, through running we learn to reach beyond ourselves to feel the exhilaration of going farther and faster than we thought possible. Those who refuse to run can never understand how running may be the purest form of athletic endeavor. Only in running do we have to accomplish the run almost totally by ourselves. While a group can help us to see more of ourselves than we do, thus allowing us to go farther and faster, in the end we alone can push ourselves to the end. Runners get what Edmund Hillary meant when he was asked why he climbed Mount Everest and said: "Because it is there." Only those who have summitted Everest understand what it means to be "there." In essence, runners run because through running we see something greater in ourselves than we do through other endeavors. We run to see and feel what is "there" in running and nowhere else.

A runner understands what Amby Burfoot, a lifelong runner, former Boston Marathon winner (as well as other marathons), and executive editor of "Runner's World" magazine meant when he said: "I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It's not about speed and gold medals. It's about refusing to be stopped." ("The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life," Burfoot, A. 2000). And runners refuse to be stopped.

Second, when I run with others, we share a common understanding that running together is more than sweat and effort; it is about comradery and caring more about the group than ourselves. When runners truly run together they have no need to one up or beat any of the group. The fastest runner wants the slowest runner to "finish the run" and is willing to sacrifice speed and distance to make that happen. The slowest runner often runs farther and faster than expected and reaps the reward of being "pulled along" by the other runners. And everyone has a good time. Because we care more about the group than ourselves, we become not just better runners, but better people in all parts of our lives.

Rain rain go away

It's raining. A lot. And it looks like rain most of tomorrow. I had planned on a cycling day since it's easier to go on my day off. Less people = less risk of breaking my arm. But I don't ride in the rain. So it looks like no cycling for me tomorrow. (Note to self: Buy a trainer for indoor cycling.) And I don't think anyone wants a group run in the rain! So I'll likely take tomorrow off and am available for a group run Saturday (supposed to be sunny!) if anyone is interested in making the trek to Plano. We have an activity at 10 so I wouldn't be able to travel to Skeet.

Hope you're all keeping dry!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Training Begins

So now that it's about 16 weeks from the Tyler Half, I'm beginning to take running more seriously. I'm paying attention to training guidelines, and making myself go when I'd rather not.
Tonight, was one of those.... "I have to go run" nights. It feels so different to know that if I don't try really hard, that I won't even accomplish this goal, much less do it well.
Are you guys starting to run mental hurdles yet? Am I the lone slacker-at-heart?

Monday, June 16, 2008

What's up doc?

Just checking in with everyone - how was your weekend?

Seemed like ours was a blur. But thanks for trekking out to run with me MB! Had fun. Sorry about the distance - next time I'll clarify first. ;)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Miles log

Ran last night even though I got home late and wasn't able to go until 7.

wu, 2 miles @13, cd

I like the song 'Play with Fire' by Hillary Duff while I run. Does that make me un-cool? I like the cadence to it. Also I have the song 'Labels or Love' by Fergie from the SATC soundtrack and it is fun and up-beat so that ones rules too.

My shoes are fantastic. No knee pain until towards the end which is remarkable. I really need to work on the eating part of this whole plan because carrying around this extra weight makes things much more difficult. Blech!

Going again tonite - hope ya'll are out today too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Marathonbob and I are now committed! Wow it seems very close. Ahhhhhhh! Save the date of Saturday, October 11th to tune in to how this race goes. And anyone interested in coming out to east Texas to cheer us on will get free brunch on me.

Nadene you've been register tagged!

My new favorite headband

Here's my new favorite headband. It's wide at the top to keep all my hair back and just a band strip around the back. And it's a sticky material so that it stays put during sweating.

Ignore the crazy hair.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Progress Report

Well I went out of town this weekend and I took my running equipment with me. And Thursday night I went swimming, Friday I thought about running at night...but I ate cake instead. Saturday I slept in since I was up so late on Friday night...and no running. So I brought two running outfits and running. This is not good.

I need to carry my little running journal with me or maybe we should go ahead and sign up for the race. Nothing is as motivating as actually knowing you HAVE to go.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Do All the Good You Can

John Wesley wisely wrote:

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as the ever you can.

My June Record of Slowness

Hassled by Jennifer to record something, I report my pathetic June training thus far as follows:

June 2 (Monday) - stationary bike for 10 minutes; light weight training for 15 minutes.
June 3 (Tuesday) - 1.5 mile "run" at a shuffle of 12 minutes per mile.
June 4 (Wednesday) - stationary bike for 15 minutes; light weight training for 15 minutes.
June 5 (Thursday) - 1.5 mile jog @ 12 1/4 minutes per mile.

Big training "run" this Saturday of 2.5 miles @ 12 -13 minutes per mile.

Props to Tom for my last mile today.

Well I wont back down, no I wont back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I wont back down
Gonna stand my ground, wont be turned around
And Ill keep this world from draggin me down
Gonna stand my ground and I wont back down
Hey baby, there aint no easy way out
Hey I will stand my groundAnd I wont back down.
Well I know whats right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin me around
But Ill stand my ground and I wont back down
Hey baby there aint no easy way out
Hey I will stand my ground
And I wont back downNo, I wont back down
-Tom Petty

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Kicks for Kicking Some Speed

After a totally fun group run this weekend hmmm, did we just venture back to the 80's with that totally? I figured out I should probably get some new shoes. (Sidebar: Thanks for the fun run guys! It was nice to run with peeps and thanks for keeping up with my lightning fast pace. I know it was hard and you wanted to drop back, but I know pushing yourselves like that will pay off. Um, why are you laughing?)

Nadene and I ventured to the new luke's in plano (west side! throws gang sign). I tried on a few pairs and did the obligatory run. And on the 5th pair I found them...the Addidas Supernova Cushion 7. Love em! Can't wait to get out and test them a little. It might even persuade me to do a little jog tonite. I was supposed to look for watches but I guess that will have to wait. Especially since my blistering pace really doesn't need a pace watch to tell me 'slower than the turtle'.
N-dawg (that's slang for Nadene in case you aren't in the know) picked up some oh-so-short-are-you-sure-they-are-shorts running shorts. (Totally razzin you of course they are fine.) The super slim sales girl was explaining how these shorts fit her and I about cracked up when Nadene asked her 'You're what, like an extra small?'.
Also I picked up the CUTE-est headband. My bangs are just long enough to cause me problems and just short enough that I can't keep them back. I'm so loving this new nike headband. I will see if I can find a picture of it.
Happy running!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yummy article for Running,7120,s6-242-301--10200-1-1X2X3X4X5-6,00.html

Marathon bob, you'll like the last one.

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