Monday, June 30, 2008

Had a nice run today.
.. 10 m pace.. humpff..
it's ok, it was hot (12:30 in the afternoon), and I took an unexpected detour to look at a house, then had to step off the road and stand still (or outrun and eighteen wheeler, or dive into a drainage ditch).. I feel pretty pooped, but hey, I got my run in.
Maybe next time I'll just borrow your treadmill MB.
I think in the future I'll pay more attention to time of day.. it really took it out of me today.



The Sabins July 1, 2008 at 9:07 AM  

That heat really does wonders on making your heart work harder and making you pooped faster...very true. Good job finishing (and not getting squished by a semi!) What else do you have on tap this week?

Crew - my plan calls for 5 miles on Saturday which I intend to fulfill slowly. I could really use a partner to coach me through it if anyone is interested in running together on Saturday? Overall pace will be 13 min miles. Some closer to 12 and some closer to avg 13 or 14 (if walk breaks). I don't mind coming to Mesquite. But also my trail has water fountains if you're interested.

Let me know!

MarathonBob July 1, 2008 at 11:03 AM  

I hate running in the heat. Your body uses so much energy just trying to cool you that you burn way too much energy for the distance and time. In addition, you often are so pooped that your day and next run are wasted and risk injury that will set you back.

As for Saturday, 5 miles is more than I had planned to run that day (I had planned on 3.5), but if we run here in Mesquite (I made the last 2 trips to Plano), run as early in the morning as possible (out by 7 a.m.?), go really slow to allow me to finish 5 miles, and perhaps take walking breaks, I am willing. We can take cold water and/or Gatorade bottles (Plano water is warm) and post them in strategic locations.

What say ye MM and TS?

The Sabins July 1, 2008 at 4:06 PM  

I'm in - It will be slow so we can finish. Why does my plan call for 5 miles already and ya'lls does not? Am I on the dumb kid plan?

Madre said she would kid-sit so we can run at your casa. I'll be there so we can be out the door by 7.

I'll leave it to MB to get us a route, but fyi I don't mind just doing laps at the pond.

MM let us know if you're in!

MarathonBob July 1, 2008 at 4:29 PM  

Your plan began several weeks before mine did. Although I was doing some jogging in May, because I was in such poor shape I did not start my Runner's World plan until June 16. So this is my 3rd week of my 16 week plan, which ends on October 5 -- 1 week before the October 11 Tyler Half. You are in the 7th week of your 16 week plan, which ends in early September -- 5 weeks before our 1/2 marathon.

Unless you plan to peak 1 month early, you might want to redo your plan.

By the way, my plan calls for 4 miles this Saturday, so I should be able to hang for 5 slow miles.

The Sabins July 1, 2008 at 4:41 PM  

I re-did my plan and 'officially' started it on Jun 9th and tt ends on September 27th; 2 weeks from Tyler which puts me one week ahead of yours I think.

I will actually be altering my schedule the week before and after September 20th to accomodate the Denison Dash. I'll taper the week before and take it easy the week after with a build up until October 5th when I'll taper for Tyler.

Does your plan have 5 miles next week? It sounds like maybe I'm 1 week ahead of yours...?

MarathonBob July 1, 2008 at 5:16 PM  

Yes, my plan calls for a 5 mile run Saturday July 5.

The Mighty Minyard's July 1, 2008 at 11:56 PM  

Sat is out for MM, we are headed to Denison for a July 4 family fun day, and will be spending friday night there.
I also started the Runner's world plan as late as I possibly could so it ends on Oct 12.. sorry I'll be at Tyler one day late ha ha. Just kidding. I am improvising, each week to fit to my personal life.
I only have a 3 mile run scheduled this week, but I may go 4. Or maybe stick with three and see where my speed is at. It really depends on time of day.
DH's schedule changes Aug 1st, so I'm sure I'll have some rearranging to do. Hey good news on that subject. The rumor is that one of the newguys will be going to a daytime schedule (cross your fingers for my DH.)

MarathonBob July 2, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

TS, if you still want a "group" run, I am still game for the 2 of us to do a Saturday a.m. run here. Let's run around the pond, which 1 mile loop allows us to change our distance (including running the .6 mile loop) based on how we feel and lets one of us walk late in the "run" if the other is feeling stronger -- without totally disconnecting from each other. There are several strategic spots to place water bottles for late in our run.

5 miles still sounds long to me at this stage of my "training," but I am willing to give it a go. Have you already done at least a 4 mile run?

MM, what does DH stand for? Devan Headache? Darn Husband?

MarathonBob July 7, 2008 at 4:09 PM  

FYI, I have "updated" my Runner's World Smart Coach training so that my new 14 week schedule starts tomorrow and my long run this Saturday will be 6 miles, and 7 miles next Saturday and the Saturday after that. Unfortunately, 2 weeks ahead of what I had originally, 1 day a week for the next 3 weeks I will also have to do speedwork and tempo runs. Fortunately, the week thereafter calls for a total of 4 miles less and only easy runs -- to give my body some much needed rest.

I think that I can handle the suddenly-longer distances if I (1) can handle the heat and time necessary for recovery on Saturday and (2) do not get sick or injured over the next 3 weeks.

Any chance that you can get here earlier so we can start our run before 7:00 a.m.? To beat the heat, I normally am out the door by 5:45 a.m., so you can arrive here as early as you like without fear of waking me.

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